Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three prose poems in [a] Ditch

This week, a Canadian literary journal online, Ditch, the poetry that matters, published three of my pieces.

I'm particularly excited to have them come out this week, because the first two, "Flutters" and "Midnight of the Caramel Eaters," are late-summer to autumn to winter pieces (albeit in somewhat reversed order).  They will help you bridge the gap from the recently departed summer, through to the inevitably of winter. 

The last piece, "Sprout," is something different.  I suppose one could call it a "spring" poem, because it ends with the possibility of growth, but it's open-ended as to whether this is the sort of growth you'd want. 

Take a gander at them here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Literary Death Match, Boston Ep 9

Tonight, and tonight only, I will be reading with a star-studded cast of literary luminaries at Club Oberon for the 9th Literary Death Match, Boston edition.

Tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door.