Like so many others, my budget has tightened. My most major splurge this month has been signing on to Netflix, which I'm doing my best to justify by watching a movie every other day. However, leaving aside justifiable treats there are some things which I buy purely on impulse, usually judging the book (sometimes it is a book), by its cover. As with this first installment of O.J.'s impulse buys most incorporate some form of adcopy so good, that even if the product is awful, it's worth simply to reread. Last week while at the super market I found a product that had me first snickering, and then giggling whenever I thought of it. I have yet to use it, but I do enjoy seeing it in my fridge each morning.
The product is Batter Blaster and it's hard to imagine the marketing team couldn't have been aware that it's only a short phonetic and conceptual hop from another alliterative phrase that includes the word batter, i.e. "baby batter." Even if your mind doesn't instantly enter the gutter, the concept is pretty smart and alliteration in food is always amusing.
For now I'm just enjoying the name. Once I've opened it up and made a few pancakes I'll be sure to post if it's really a blast. Tee hee.